The Partnership has a street clean-up and litter removal team that works full-time picking up litter and debris, shopping carts, and unwanted items throughout the district. By working in conjunction with the City of Sacramento’s Solid Waste division, we’re able to remove items quickly to better enhance the image of the district. Year after year, our business partners have praised the Partnership for our swift response to maintain a clean and business-friendly environment.
Graffiti is a nuisance problem and plagues many districts throughout the area. With our rapid response team, the Partnership can assist businesses to address graffiti issues with our state of the art power washing and graffiti removal equipment. Our power washing program tackles the tough stuff and keeps our sidewalks and businesses district clean.
“A clean district is a vibrant shopping area ready to do business."
Del Paso Boulevard Partnership
1031 Del Paso Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95815, US